Dirt Bikes for 10-Year-Olds: A Helpful Guide for Parents

As a parent looking to purchase a dirt bike for their 10-year-old, I can imagine that you could be feeling a mix of emotions. I’m sure that you are extremely excited for your child to get into this new hobby, but at the same time, you may be feeling a bit anxious about the whole idea of it.

If you find a dirt bike that fits these basic specs your 10-year-old will be good to go!

The ideal specifications on the dirt bike for your 10-year-old are that it has an automatic transmission and a dual suspension. In regards to size, research the dirt bikes that have seat heights that are between 26-31″. Gas dirt bikes for 10-year-olds should be in the power range of 85-150cc while electric dirt bikes should be between 350-650 watts. These are all shown in the graphic above.

Based on all my research, I recommend the Honda CRF110F as the perfect dirt bike to buy for your 10-year-old. Why is this bike so dang good? Well, it has a seat height of 26.3”, has a dual suspension, an automatic transmission, and its price is better than its competitors!

The size, control, and power of this dirt bike are all exactly what you as a parent are going to want for your kid. 

Here is a video of a full review of the Honda CRF110F

Despite what your experience with dirt biking might be as a parent, you have come to the right place! Choosing the perfect dirt bike for your kid will not only help them have a great experience, but it will also ensure their safety as they start biking around.

Continue reading to dive deeper into the details of this bike and other top picks in order to narrow down even further which is the very best for your child. As you read, you will gain a better understanding of dirt bikes and their specifications, which will make you even more comfortable and confident with the one you end up getting.

Guide for Parents of the Best Dirt Bikes for 10-Year-Olds

Dirt Bike NameTypePowerPrice (new)
Honda CRF110F
Yamaha TT-R110E
Kawasaki KLX110
Razor MX650
Electric650 watts$500
Mototec 36vElectric500 watts$600
Razor SX500
Electric500 watts$500

This basic table lists 6 of the very best dirt bikes on the market. Continue reading to learn more about the details on each of them and to also better understand how “cc” and “watts” can affect your child’s dirt biking experience.

Details on the Best Gas Dirt Bikes for 10-Year-Olds

Honda CRF110F

Price (new)- $2,200

General Information- Honda made a perfect lightweight dirt bike that is both beginner and kid friendly and it is called the Honda CRF110F. As listed above, the Honda CRF110F is what I consider to be the best bike on the market for a 10-year-old. This dirt bike has an automatic transmission with 110cc. Its dual suspension makes it a comfy ride. It is a fantastic bike for beginners and even for those who have been dirt biking for years.

Sizing- The seat height for the CRF110F is perfect at 26.3”. This is great because it isn’t too high or too short, a very happy medium height that will fit almost every single 10-year-old that rides it.

My Review- This is the bike that I plan on getting for my kids when they get to be the right size for it. It will fit your kid great at 10 and they will likely ride it until they are 14. It has all the right specifications and it a great fit for just about any 10-year-old. It is the right size and has the right power delivery. You would not regret purchasing this dirt bike, and you can be confident that your child will have the time of his/her life on it! Plus it has a 6-month warranty!

Yamaha TT-R110E

Price (new)- $2,300

General Information- The Yamaha TT-R110E is extremely similar to the Honda CRF100F, just a tad more expensive. This dirt bike has all the right specs and is another fantastic option and fit for 10-year-olds. Its power is right in the range that you as a parent want it to be at 110cc. Different to the Honda CRF110F, the Yamaha TT-R110E has a bit more horsepower which makes is just a little bit faster. This makes it great for 10-year-olds that like the speed and have a little more experience in dirt biking.

Sizing- This dirt bike’s seat height is at a comfortable 26.4”. Perfect for many if not every 10-year-old who rides it despite how tall or short they might be.

My Review- I love this bike and highly recommend it! I find it to be another fine choice that would be a great fit for your kid. Its performance is up there at the same level as the Honda CRF110F. A simple downside to this bike is that it only has a 90-day warranty while most others have warranties that last 6 months. It is a little more expensive than other bikes of a similar caliber, but I wouldn’t let that scare you away from it, because it is a great option.

Kawasaki KLX110

Price (new)- $2,300

General Information- This bike is right up there with the Honda CRF110F and Yamaha TT-R110. It has the same cc rating of 110, making it right in the perfect spot for your 10-year-old. Kids absolutely LOVE the green color of this bike, and to be completely honest, I do too! It has all the specs, bells, and whistles that the other bikes do, but it is more visually appealing. It is priced right with the Yamaha and is a little more than the Honda.

Sizing- The seat height is at a good 26.8” which makes it just a tiny bit higher off the ground than the previous two dirt bikes. I honestly like this small detail, because as your 10-year-old gets more comfortable on the bike, he/she will find that the little extra knee room is great.

My Review- This Kawasaki KLX110 is, like the others, another top-of-the-line dirt bike for your 10-year-old. I can’t think of a reason as to why you as a parent wouldn’t want this bike. It has the perfect amount of power and is the ideal size for any 10-year-old that is lucky enough to ride it. As I mentioned before, the green color is very appealing as well. Like the Honda, it also has a 6-month warranty

All three of the dirt bikes listed above are exceptional for 10-year-olds. If you ended up buying any one of these for your kid, you not only wouldn’t ever regret it, but your kid will be absolutely thrilled.

Here is a video that compares the Honda CRF110F and the Yamaha TT-R110E

Details on the Best Electric Dirt Bikes for 10-Year-Olds

Razor MX650

Price (new)- $500

General Information- As far as electric dirt bikes go, this is a great choice. It has the right size and power (650 watts) that will allow a 10-year-old to ride it for years. I find it to be a great bike for beginners or those who want to dirt bike around the neighborhood with friends. The dual suspension makes this an easy and comfortable ride.

Sizing- The Razor MX650 has a seat height at 25”, which is smaller, but for electric bikes, I wouldn’t let that worry you too much. It may be lower to the ground, but that will make it just fine size-wise for small and inexperienced 10-year-old kids.

My Review- If an electric dirt bike is more appealing to you than gas-powered I would recommend that you put this on the top of your list. Is it a simple bike, easy to operate, and a fine choice for a 10-year-old. Although the seat height may be lower than other picks for 10-year-olds I still find this bike to be a good fit for this age range.

Mototec 36v

Price (new)- $600

General Information- This dirt bike’s battery charge and dual front shocks make it a comfortable and fun ride for all. It comes equipped with parental controls that can set the top speed to be as high or low as you want it to be. At 500 watts, this dirt bike will get as fast as a 10-year-old should ever need while not being too out of control.

Sizing- Whether your kid is a beginner or has little experience, the 23” seat height should be an okay fit. They will be lower to the ground and might not have the most ideal knee space depending on their size.

My Review- This bike is, in my opinion, one of the best electric bikes you will find on the market. As a parent who is looking for a bike for their 10-year-old the Mototec 36v’s parental controls can become very handy, especially if you are a little bit nervous. A downside is that the seat height is a couple of inches shorter than the ideal height, but trust me, this won’t stop your kid from having a blast.

Razor SX500

Price (new)- $500

General Information- This is a dirt bike that performs really well. It has a great battery that can stay charged for extended periods of time and it can hit speeds with top-notch safety features. Similar to the Mototec 36v this bike is 500 watts. This bike is used by many kids anywhere from 8-14 years old so it will be great for your 10-year-olds to enjoy for years.

Sizing- A seat height of 21” is the smallest out of all the bikes on my list, making it less than ideal, but for an electric dirt bike that your kid is going to use to bike around the neighborhood with friends, this shouldn’t be too big of an issue. They might outgrow the bike faster than others, but they will have loads of fun while it lasts.

My Review- Reviews from other people online say that this is the best electric dirt bike on the market at this price range. I agree it is quite exceptional. It is shorter than other bikes, which means less leg room. That could be an issue for taller 10-year-olds, but from what I have seen and researched this won’t be much of a problem at all.

Everything to Know About Dirt Bike Size for a 10-Year-Old

Height- When buying a dirt bike you want to make sure that your kid’s height fits it just right. This is the most important thing to do in regards to dirt bike sizing.

An easy way to know whether or not your kid is the right height for a certain bike is to sit them on it and see where their feet touch. You can tell that the size of a bike is perfect for your kid if they sit on it and lean forward to see if just the balls of their feet (⅓ of their feet) touch the ground. If this is the case, you can be sure that you have found a good pick for your kid that will be comfortable, controllable, and safe for them.

If they sit on a dirt bike and their feet are flat on the ground, you’ll know that they are too tall for it. Also, check to see how bent their knees are. If it seems too cramped, that’s another sign that it might not be the best fit.

On the other hand, if they are sitting on the bike and they have to balance themselves by touching the ground with their tippy-toes, you’ll know that your kid is too short for that one. If they can’t even touch their feet on to the ground at all, then they are way too short for that bike.

Seat Height – This is one of the best ways to know if a bike’s size is right for your 10-year-old. The seat height is the distance from the top of the seat to the ground. This is a way to tell on paper if the dirt bike will fit your kid’s size. A seat height that doesn’t fit will make it difficult for a kid to balance, mount/dismount, and control their dirt bike.

For 10-year-olds the best range of seat heights for 10-year-olds range from 26-31”. If you find something in the middle you can be sure that you have a great bike in regards to size for your child.

An important thing to keep in mind is that every 10-year-old is different. Some are tall, while others are short. Some are big, some are small. If your kid is taller than average, it is best to look for a seat height that is 28”-31” or maybe even higher if needed.

If he/she is on the shorter side, look for bikes with a seat height of 27” and below.

Here is a simple list that can help you decide what seat height would be the most ideal for the size of your kid, depending on their age and general height.

  • On average, a 27” seat height is the most ideal for a 10-year-old
  • Kids 8-9 years old – 24-28” seat height
  • Kids 10-12 years old – 26-31” seat height
  • Kids that are 5’2” tall – 31-35” seat height

Electric dirt bikes often have seat heights tha are lower than those on gas dirt bikes. That is okay, don’t let this keep you from looking into them. A seat height that differs from what is listed above doesn’t mean it won’t work at all.

Go take a look at it, set your kid on top, and see for yourself how it looks! It could still be a good fit and fun for your kid. They just won’t have as much knee room and will probably outgrow it faster than other dirt bikes.

Everything to Know About Dirt Bike Power for a 10-Year-Old (CC and Watts)

If you, as a parent, have been confused with specific dirt bike terminology and measurements, don’t worry! When I first started doing research on dirt bikes I ran into words and things that I didn’t understand either! Understanding things like “cc” and “watts” will further help you determine what bike is best and most fitting for your 10-year-old.

What is “CC” and How Does it Affect My 10-year-olds Dirt Biking Experience?

This abbreviation means Cubic Centimeters. It is used when describing the power behind a gas dirt bike. The cc rating only measures the displacement of the engine, doing little to tell you if the bike’s size is right for your kids.

Depending on how many “CCs” a dirt bike has will determine the volume of cylinders in a bike’s engine. Basically, all you need to know is that this is what will make your kid’s bike have power and helps determine how smooth and comfortable the ride will be.

A bike purchased with a cc that doesn’t match what a specific person needs could really make the whole dirt biking experience bad. Too much cc will make a bike have too much power and could really intimidate a 10-year-old. On the other hand a bike that doesn’t have enough cc for a person will seem very slow and boring. It might not be able to go up a simple hill.

For a 10-year-old, look for bikes that are listed with a cc measurement between 85-150cc. If he/she has little experience with dirt biking start them off on the lower end of the spectrum. Once confidence and experience are gained then they will be ready for an upgrade to a bike that has more cc.

Don’t go over 150cc for your 10-year-old. This will simply be just too much for them to handle. Once they are bigger and more experienced, they will be ready for that.

What are “Watts” and How Do They Affect My 10-year-olds Dirt Biking Experience?

Watts are a measurement of the unit of power that corresponds with electric circuits. You will see a wattage measurement when looking at electric dirt bikes. Similar to the cc measurement used for gas dirt bikes, watts tell you how much power the bike is going to have.

This does not tell you what size the dirt bike. It will, however, be telling you how strong the dirt bike is in regards to power.

As you search for the right electric dirt bike for your 10-year old I’d recommend looking at bikes that are within the 350-650 watt range. Bikes in this range will be the right power that you as a parent will want to have.

I personally would stay away from the 350-watt range unless my 10-year-old was quite a bit smaller than average, or completely inexperienced. 500-600 watts is what I recommend looking for because it will have enough power for them to enjoy it for a few years.

Gas vs Electric Dirt Bikes for 10-Year-Olds

As a parent, taking into consideration whether to get a gas or electric dirt bike is very important. Both types of bikes are great, especially for 10-year-olds. However, depending on your situation one type of dirt bike might be much better for you.

Gas Dirt Bikes

Pros- Gas Dirt Bikes are definitely the better option if you know that your kid is going to be very invested in this hobby. Gas bikes have been around for decades and are very reliable. If your 10-year-old already has some experience with dirt biking, or even if they are close to friends and family who do, then gas may just be the way to go.

Cons- Gas bikes are much more expensive than electric ones to purchase. Buying gas for them also adds up pretty quickly price-wise. They also are very loud and shouldn’t be ridden near neighborhoods or other communities. They also tend to make everything smell like gasoline.

Electric Dirt Bikes

If your kid is unfamiliar with dirt biking, then it is probably a better idea to have them start off with an electric one. This not only will help them learn and get comfortable but will also help you determine if this is a hobby that they are really going to get into.

Pros- Electric Dirt Bikes are fantastic bikes for children, especially inexperienced ones. A gas bike’s power and noise could seem intimidating to a 10-year-old kid. Electric dirt bikes are quiet and easy to operate. They are much better to start your kid off on because they aren’t nearly as expensive to purchase or maintain as gas bikes are. They also don’t make a lot of noise.

Cons- You lose a lot of quality with an electric dirt bike. The charge of electric dirt bikes doesn’t last very long and can be tedious to keep recharging throughout the day. Also, electric dirt bikes aren’t taken as seriously as gas dirt bikes are.

Tips for Parents to Help Their Kids Enjoy Dirt Biking

  1. Find a dirt bike for them that fits right. Dirt bikes that are too big or too small could make your kid’s overall experience frustrating and intimidating. If a kid is comfortable, they will be more confident and enjoy themselves.
  2. Get the right safety gear. If a kid feels safe on the bike, they can spend their time having fun instead of worrying about falling and getting hurt. It is not an overkill to have too many pads! The more the merrier, especially while they are learning!
  3. Start them off on easy, flat terrain. If the ride is smooth, easy and simple, they will gain confidence and continue to want to dirt bike. Stay away from bumpy and steep places while they are still getting used to dirt biking.
  4. Go out when the weather is nice. If the weather is bad, everyone is going to be miserable. You want their first contact with dirt biking to be a positive one so that they love it. Wind, rain, and poor weather will definitely create a negative experience.
  5. Be there with them while they dirt bike. If you leave them alone to figure it all out by themselves, then they might never get it down. Even if you aren’t familiar with it yourself, being there will help them learn it.
  6. Be encouraging. Having a parent near that keeps shouting out positive remarks is key to their success and enjoyment. Positive reinforcement is great for support. Being negative will put them down and maybe even make them want to quit biking.
  7. Ride with them on a dirt bike of your own. If you have your own dirt bike, get out there with them! Show them yourself how things are done so they have someone to look up to.
  8. Have them ride around with siblings and friends. Riding around with peers makes the experience so much fun and enjoyable.
  9. Show them videos online of people dirt biking. Whether it’s a video of other kids learning to ride, or videos of professionals doing tricks, watching things like this can inspire your kid and help them enjoy dirt biking even more.
  10. Get them out there every day. The more contact they have with dirt biking, the better they will get and they will enjoy it more.

Geoff Southworth

I am a California native and I enjoy all the outdoors has to offer. My latest adventures have been taking the family camping, hiking and surfing.

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